Parallel session C: | Saturday 06.12.2014 | 10:30 - 11:45 |
Session CS10 | Room: E2 |
Quantile regression applications in finance | Saturday 06.12.2014 10:30 - 11:45 |
Chair: Massimiliano Caporin |
Organizer: Massimiliano Caporin |
C044: G. Bonaccolto, M. Caporin | |
Modeling and forecasting the range bipower variation conditional quantiles | |
C715: L. Petrella, M. Bernardi, R. Casarin | |
Dynamic model averaging for quantile regression | |
C412: M. Caporin, F. Ravazzolo, P. Santucci de Magistris | |
Spillover effect to bailout expectation: an empirical study of Denmark |
Session CS13 | Room: A2 |
Bayesian econometrics | Saturday 06.12.2014 10:30 - 11:45 |
Chair: Richard Gerlach |
Organizer: C.W.S. Chen |
C484: T. Watanabe, M. Takahashi, Y. Omori | |
Volatility and quantile forecasts by realized stochastic volatility models with generalized hyperbolic distribution | |
C499: Y. Omori, S. Shirota, H. Lopes, H. Piao | |
Cholesky realized stochastic volatility model with leverage | |
C865: M. So | |
Bayesian hierarchical spatial-temporal modeling |
Session CS22 | Room: Q2 |
Dynamic modeling of variance risk premia | Saturday 06.12.2014 10:30 - 11:45 |
Chair: Matthias Fengler |
Organizer: Matthias Fengler |
C1281: M. Grith | |
A dynamic partial equilibrium model for asset pricing with volatility risk premium and reference dependent preferences | |
C1005: A. Cipollini, I. Lo Cascio, S. Muzzioli | |
An index of financial connectedness applied to variance risk premia | |
C1303: M. Fengler | |
Are variance risk premia affine functions in the underlying state variables? |
Session CS34 | Room: G2 |
Econometrics of art markets | Saturday 06.12.2014 10:30 - 11:45 |
Chair: Douglas Hodgson |
Organizer: Douglas Hodgson |
C586: D. Hodgson, J. Galbraith | |
Innovation, experience and artists' age-valuation profiles: evidence from eighteenth-century rococo and neo-classical painters | |
C752: C. Hellmanzik | |
Creative production and peer effects: evidence from the exodus of superstar painters from Paris | |
C815: G. David | |
Is art really a safe haven? Evidence from the French art market during WWI |
Session CS35 | Room: O2 |
Analysis of extremes and dependence | Saturday 06.12.2014 10:30 - 11:45 |
Chair: Artem Prokhorov |
Organizer: Rustam Ibragimov |
C307: W. Richter | |
Geometric measure representations and exact distributions of extremes | |
C685: M. Smith, S. Vahey | |
Density forecasting of U.S. macroeconomic variables using a Gaussian copula model of cross-sectional and serial dependence | |
C988: A. Prokhorov, R. Ibragimov | |
Fat tails and copulas: limits of diversification revisited |
Session CS50 | Room: P2 |
Monitoring macro-economic imbalances and risks | Saturday 06.12.2014 10:30 - 11:45 |
Chair: Gianluigi Mazzi |
Organizer: Gianluigi Mazzi |
C175: T. Strohsal, L. Winkelmann | |
Assessing the anchoring of inflation expectations | |
C370: G. von Schweinitz, P. Sarlin | |
Signaling twin crises: Estimating the nexus of banking and sovereign risk | |
C724: M. Kremer, K. Hubrich, P. Hartmann, R. Tetlow | |
Melting down: systemic financial instability and the macroeconomy |
Session CS68 | Room: B2 |
Multivariate time Series | Saturday 06.12.2014 10:30 - 11:45 |
Chair: Marco Reale |
Organizer: Marco Reale |
C905: A. Naccarato, A. Pierini | |
Resampling and asymptotic test statistic distributions for portfolio selection | |
C908: M. Fragetta, E. Gasteiger | |
Fiscal foresight, limited information and the effects of government spending shocks | |
C1197: M. Reale, G. Tunnicliffe Wilson, J. Haywood | |
VZAR: an extension of the VAR model |
Session CS71 | Room: I2 |
Nonparametric and semiparametric methods: Recent developments | Saturday 06.12.2014 10:30 - 11:45 |
Chair: Patrick Saart |
Organizer: Patrick Saart |
C156: C. Zhou, Y. Feng | |
Data-driven estimation of realized kernels under dependent microstructure noise and further analysis using Semi-FI-Log-ACD | |
C598: P. Saart | |
Financial applications of nonparametric methods for functional linear regression analysis | |
C601: N. Kim | |
Control function approach to weak instruments |
Session CS83 | Room: N2 |
Energy price and volatility modelling | Saturday 06.12.2014 10:30 - 11:45 |
Chair: Helena Veiga |
Organizer: Helena Veiga |
C147: P. Guerin, C. Baumeister, L. Kilian | |
Do high-frequency financial data help forecast oil prices? The MIDAS touch at work | |
C401: I. Casas, S. Suardi | |
Modelling crude oil price return volatility - level Nexus: a robust nonparametric approach | |
C699: A. Bastianin, M. Manera | |
How does stock market volatility react to oil shocks? |
Session CS88 | Room: C2 |
Quantitive methods in credit risk management | Saturday 06.12.2014 10:30 - 11:45 |
Chair: Jiri Witzany |
Organizer: Jiri Witzany |
C157: J. Cerny, J. Witzany | |
Wrong-way risk - correlation coefficient calibration | |
C1105: M. Kolman | |
Comparison of copulas in CDO valuation | |
C1030: C. Castro, K. Garcia | |
Default risk in agricultural lending, the effects of commodity price volatility and climate |
Session CS90 | Room: M2 |
Risk estimation and estimation risk | Saturday 06.12.2014 10:30 - 11:45 |
Chair: Jean-Michel Zakoian |
Organizer: Jean-Michel Zakoian |
C381: C. Francq, J. Zakoian | |
Estimating the conditional VaR of a portfolio of multivariate GARCH returns | |
C442: F. Telmoudi, C. Francq, M. El Ghourabi | |
Consistent estimation of the Value-at-Risk when the error distribution of the volatility model is misspecified | |
C1113: C. Hurlin | |
Risk measure inference |
Session CS61 | Room: D2 |
Filters wavelets and signals I | Saturday 06.12.2014 10:30 - 11:45 |
Chair: Stephen Pollock |
Organizer: Stephen Pollock |
C871: M. Bujosa, A. Bujosa, A. Garcia-Ferrer | |
Mathematical framework for pseudo-spectra of linear stochastic difference equations | |
C560: M. Scharnagl, M. Mandler | |
The relationship of simple sum and Divisia monetary aggregates with real GDP and inflation: a wavelet analysis for the US | |
C773: M. Deistler, B. Anderson, A. Braumann, E. Felsenstein, L. Koelbl | |
Generalized linear dynamic factor models |
Parallel session E: | Saturday 06.12.2014 | 14:35 - 16:15 |
Session CSI02 - Invited | Room: Sala Convegni |
Modeling and forecasting high dimensional time series | Saturday 06.12.2014 14:35 - 16:15 |
Chair: Manfred Deistler |
Organizer: Manfred Deistler |
C286: M. Lippi | |
Dynamic factor models: I(1) variables and cointegration | |
C1246: J. Dufour, H. Zhang | |
Short and long run second-order causality: theory, measures and inference | |
C1256: M. Deistler, B. Anderson, E. Felsenstein, B. Funovits, L. Koelbl, M. Zamani | |
Multivariate AR systems and mixed frequency data: identifiability and estimation |
Session CS01 | Room: M2 |
Financial econometrics | Saturday 06.12.2014 14:35 - 16:15 |
Chair: Niklas Ahlgren |
Organizer: Niklas Ahlgren |
C113: M. Lof | |
Momentum, uncertainty, and exchange rate predictability | |
C132: H. Nyberg, M. Lanne | |
Generalized forecast error variance decomposition for linear and nonlinear multivariate models | |
C176: P. Catani, N. Ahlgren | |
The power of wild bootstrap tests of cointegration rank with unconditional and conditional heteroskedasticity | |
C901: S. Pynnonen, J. Kolari, A. Tunez | |
Further evidence on long-run stock returns after corporate events |
Session CS03 | Room: C2 |
Advances in identification of structural vector autoregressive models | Saturday 06.12.2014 14:35 - 16:15 |
Chair: Christiane Baumeister |
Organizer: Christiane Baumeister |
C168: D. Caldara, C. Kamps | |
The analytics of SVARs: A unified framework to measure fiscal multipliers | |
C021: C. Baumeister, J. Hamilton | |
Sign restrictions, structural vector autoregressions, and useful prior information | |
C050: L. Fanelli, E. Bacchiocchi, E. Castelnuovo | |
Identification and estimation of the macroeconomic effects of monetary policy shocks in the U.S. | |
C030: C. Foroni, M. Marcellino | |
Mixed frequency structural VARs |
Session CS17 | Room: N2 |
Liquidity and contagion | Saturday 06.12.2014 14:35 - 16:15 |
Chair: Serge Darolles |
Organizer: Serge Darolles |
C411: E. Theissen, O. Korn, P. Krischak | |
Illiquidity transmission from spot to futures markets | |
C424: L. Deville, A. Calamia, F. Riva | |
The determinants of ETF liquidity: theory and evidence from European markets | |
C469: G. Mero, S. Darolles, G. Le Fol | |
Tracking illiquidities in daily and intradaily characteristics | |
C873: S. Darolles, M. Vaissie | |
Non-synchronous market impact and hedge fund portfolio construction |
Session CS32 | Room: P2 |
Co-movements in macroeconomics and finance | Saturday 06.12.2014 14:35 - 16:15 |
Chair: Alain Hecq |
Organizer: Alain Hecq |
C632: G. Cubadda, E. Scambelloni | |
Factor-augmented autoregressiove models: representation, estimation, and forecasting | |
C646: L. Lieb, A. Bicu | |
Cross-border effects of coordinated fiscal policy in the Eurozone | |
C680: B. Guardabascio, G. Cubadda, A. Hecq | |
A vector heterogeneous autoregressive index model for bi-power variation | |
C823: G. Chevillon | |
Exuberance: an empirical investigation of sentiment driven buoyancy |
Session CS42 | Room: B2 |
Time-series econometrics | Saturday 06.12.2014 14:35 - 16:15 |
Chair: Robert Kunst |
Organizer: Robert Kunst |
C057: U. Gunter, I. Onder | |
Forecasting tourism demand with Google trends: The case of Vienna | |
C361: M. Hauser, A. Gonzaga | |
Estimation of generalized long-memory stochastic volatility: Whittle and wavelets | |
C610: H. Rachinger | |
Multiple breaks in long memory time series | |
C271: R. Kunst | |
Forecasting seasonal data and nonparametric unit-root tests |
Session CS53 | Room: O2 |
Advances in DSGE Modelling | Saturday 06.12.2014 14:35 - 16:15 |
Chair: Alexander Meyer-Gohde |
Organizer: Alexander Meyer-Gohde |
C493: T. Holden, M. Paetz | |
Efficient simulation of DSGE models with occasionally binding constraints | |
C547: A. Meyer-Gohde, D. Neuhoff | |
Generalized exogenous processes in DSGE: a Bayesian approach | |
C1163: A. Duplinskiy, F. Palm, J. Urbain | |
Estimation of the DSGE models with multivariate detrending | |
C691: M. Evers | |
Solving nonlinear rational expectations models by approximating the stochastic equilibrium system |
Session CS58 | Room: H2 |
Statistical modelling in banking and insurance regulations | Saturday 06.12.2014 14:35 - 16:15 |
Chair: Gareth Peters |
Organizer: Gareth Peters |
C496: R. Gerlach, C. Chen | |
Bayesian daily tail-risk forecasting employing intra-day data | |
C539: T. Aste, A. Birch | |
Onset of systemic fragility due to counterparty risk in a stylized banking system | |
C599: G. Bagnarosa, M. Ames, G. Peters | |
Systemic crisis timeline using tails dependences | |
C315: G. Peters, R. Targino, P. Shevchenko | |
Sequential Monte Carlo for capital allocation |
Session CS62 | Room: D2 |
Filters wavelets and signals II | Saturday 06.12.2014 14:35 - 16:15 |
Chair: Stephen Pollock |
Organizer: Stephen Pollock |
C279: K. Triantafyllopoulos, D. Kadir | |
Bayesian inference of autoregressive models | |
C555: M. van Kampen, M. Wagner | |
Convergence rates of sieve estimation in a univariate nonlinear cointegration model | |
C419: T. Cesaroni, R. De Santis | |
Current account core periphery dualism in the EMU | |
C781: C. Rivero, J. del Hoyo, G. Llorente | |
A testing procedure for parameter constancy in stochastic volatility models |
Session CS64 | Room: G2 |
Regime change modeling in economics and finance I | Saturday 06.12.2014 14:35 - 16:15 |
Chair: Willi Semmler |
Organizer: Willi Semmler |
C1009: K. Hubrich, P. Hartmann, M. Kremer, R. Tetlow | |
Melting down: systemic financial instability and the macroeconomy | |
C1101: W. Semmler, F. Schleer | |
Overleveraging in the banking sector: evidence from Europe | |
C1045: G. Ghiani, M. Gillman, M. Kejak | |
Money, banking and interest rates: monetary policy regimes with Markov-switching VECM evidence | |
C953: G. Caggiano, E. Castelnuovo, G. Nodari | |
Uncertainty and monetary policy in good and bad times |
Session CS80 | Room: E2 |
Financial Modelling | Saturday 06.12.2014 14:35 - 16:15 |
Chair: Genaro Sucarrat |
Organizer: Genaro Sucarrat |
C141: T. Selland Kleppe, J. Yu, H. Skaug | |
Maximum likelihood estimation of partially observed diffusion models | |
C527: G. Sucarrat, A. Escribano | |
Unbiased QML estimation of log-GARCH models in the presence of zero returns | |
C548: S. Groenneberg, B. Holcblat, G. Sucarrat | |
Consistency and asymptotic normality in log-GARCH-X models | |
C172: M. Wolf, O. Ledoit | |
Nonlinear shrinkage for portfolio selection: Markowitz meets goldilocks |
Parallel session G: | Saturday 06.12.2014 | 16:45 - 18:50 |
Session CS02 | Room: N2 |
Volatility and correlation modelling for financial markets | Saturday 06.12.2014 16:45 - 18:50 |
Chair: Cristina Amado |
Organizer: Cristina Amado |
C059: G. Fruet Dias | |
Assessing risk premium over time: Inference on GARCH-in-mean models with time-varying coefficients | |
C095: T. Nakatani | |
Handling conditional correlation GARCH models in R: The ccgarch2 package | |
C349: R. Halbleib, A. Zagidullina | |
A latent factor model for panels of realized volatilities | |
C190: H. Vander Elst, N. Hansen, A. Lunde, K. Olesen | |
Realizing commodity correlations and the market Beta | |
C755: P. Rodrigues, J. Nicolau | |
Testing for tail breaks in bank equity index returns: international evidence |
Session CS103 | Room: F2 |
Contributions to applied econometrics I | Saturday 06.12.2014 16:45 - 18:50 |
Chair: Hilde C. Bjornland |
Organizer: CFE 2014 |
C544: J. Yoon, T. Krivobokova, S. Klasen, A. Dreher | |
Composite indices based on partial least squares | |
C921: C. Otrok, T. Helbling, R. Huidrom, A. Kose | |
How do business cycles become global? Common shocks or spillovers? | |
C1117: L. Coroneo, V. Corradi, P. Santos Monteiro | |
Testing for optimal monetary policy via moment inequalities | |
C1171: R. Hisano, T. Mizuno, T. Ohnishi, T. Watanabe | |
Identification of network effect in the buyer-seller network | |
C1250: H. Bjornland, L. Brubakk, J. Maih | |
Monetary policy, leaning and concern for financial stability |
Session CS06 | Room: B2 |
Non-stationary time series and the bootstrap | Saturday 06.12.2014 16:45 - 18:50 |
Chair: Peter Boswijk |
Organizer: Peter Boswijk |
C042: C. Trenkler, R. Brueggemann, C. Jentsch | |
Inference in VARs with conditional heteroskedasticity of unknown form | |
C066: L. De Angelis, G. Cavaliere, A. Rahbek, R. Taylor | |
Determining the co-integration rank in heteroskedastic VAR models of unknown order | |
C187: S. Smeekes, R. Taylor | |
Bootstrap inference on deterministic trends in the presence of heteroskedastic and possibly integrated errors | |
C266: A. Rahbek, G. Cavaliere, P. Boswijk, R. Taylor | |
Bootstrap-based inference on cointegration parameters in heteroscedastic vector autoregressions | |
C280: P. Boswijk, Y. Zu | |
Adaptive testing for a unit root with nonstationary volatility |
Session CS16 | Room: E2 |
Modelling financial contagion | Saturday 06.12.2014 16:45 - 18:50 |
Chair: Raffaella Calabrese |
Organizer: Raffaella Calabrese |
C1065: C. Kok | |
Using agent-based network models to assess financial contagion | |
C1258: S. Battiston | |
Systemic risk in financial networks | |
C1238: S. Markose | |
Global macro-nets: systemic risk from within country sectoral imbalances and cross border exposures of national banks | |
C1044: S. Giansante | |
Early warning of global financial instability: a spectral systemic risk index | |
C1003: T. Squartini, I. van Lelyveld, D. Garlaschelli | |
Early-warning signals of topological collapse in interbank networks |
Session CS18 | Room: O2 |
Statistical signal processing in asset management | Saturday 06.12.2014 16:45 - 18:50 |
Chair: Serge Darolles |
Organizer: Serge Darolles |
C743: M. Mitri, E. Jay, S. Clemencon | |
Mixture of experts for binary classification: application to the S$\&$P500 index prediction | |
C851: R. Molinero | |
Practical uses of signal processing in asset management | |
C888: N. Baltas | |
Trend-following meets Risk-Parity | |
C1196: M. Rosenbaum, W. Huang, C. Lehalle | |
Simulating and analyzing order book data: the queue-reactive model | |
C1294: L. Liu | |
On the joint dynamics of equity and bond - a no arbitrage dynamic asset pricing approach |
Session CS21 | Room: A2 |
Behavioural and emotional finance: Theory and evidence | Saturday 06.12.2014 16:45 - 18:50 |
Chair: Richard John Fairchild |
Organizer: Richard John Fairchild |
C224: J. Ashton, A. Gregoriou | |
Determining the customer costs of using personal current accounts | |
C578: X. Chen, R. Fairchild, G. Muradoglu | |
Between fear and hope: optimal portfolio choice in a model combining expected utility and safety first preferences | |
C762: S. Schraeder | |
Information processing and non-Bayesian learning in financial markets | |
C885: E. Cervellati, P. Pattitoni, M. Savioli | |
Entrepreneurial under-diversification: over optimism and overconfidence | |
C1308: B. Kluger, P. Chelley-Steeley, J. Steeley | |
Victory desease, earnings and hindsight bias: An experimental study |
Session CS47 | Room: P2 |
Cyclical composit indicators | Saturday 06.12.2014 16:45 - 18:50 |
Chair: Gianluigi Mazzi |
Organizer: Gianluigi Mazzi |
C090: S. Pollock | |
Econometric filters | |
C334: M. Ghil, A. Groth, L. Sella, G. Vivaldo | |
Advanced spectral methods for macroeconomic indicators | |
C354: S. Schreiber | |
Anticipating business-cycle turning points in real time using density forecasts from a VAR | |
C435: D. Leiva-Leon, P. Guerin | |
Using state-level data as predictors of National recessions: a model-averaging approach | |
C512: G. Mazzi, M. Billio, J. Anas, L. Ferrara | |
A unified framework for euro area and member countries real-time business cycle analysis |
Session CS55 | Room: G2 |
Volatility models and their applications | Saturday 06.12.2014 16:45 - 18:50 |
Chair: Yasuhiro Omori |
Organizer: Yasuhiro Omori |
C251: N. Kunitomo, H. Misaki | |
The SIML estimation of integrated covariances and hedging coefficients under micro-market noise and random sampling | |
C405: T. Isogai | |
Network clustering of Japanese stock returns with multivariate GARCH model | |
C406: K. Sugiura, T. Nakatsuma, K. McAlinn | |
Predicting executions in high-frequency trading | |
C623: I. Ishida, V. Kvedaras | |
Moment-based estimation of stochastic volatility models in the presence of intraday seasonality |
Session CS57 | Room: C2 |
Risk measures | Saturday 06.12.2014 16:45 - 18:50 |
Chair: Katerina Panopoulou |
Organizer: Katerina Panopoulou |
C178: E. Mitrodima, J. Griffin, J. Oberoi | |
Decomposition of the asset return distribution by joint autoregressive quantile models | |
C393: J. Belles-Sampera, M. Guillen, M. Santolino | |
A role for GlueVaR risk measures under the Solvency II framework | |
C402: C. Argyropoulos, E. Panopoulou | |
Do realized measures improve VaR and ES forecasts | |
C592: E. Dumitrescu, J. Balter, P. Hansen | |
Exchange rate volatility forecasting: a multivariate realized-GARCH approach | |
C614: D. Banulescu, P. Hansen, Z. Huang, M. Matei | |
Volatility during the financial crisis through the lens of high frequency data: a realized GARCH approach |
Session CS60 | Room: D2 |
Contributions on time series econometrics I | Saturday 06.12.2014 16:45 - 18:50 |
Chair: Manabu Asai |
Organizer: CFE 2014 |
C1189: J. Lohmeyer, J. Urbain, F. Palm | |
Are you sure that you took the right model? Estimating impulse responses under model uncertainty | |
C1048: J. Wang, C. Diks | |
Can a stochastic cusp catastrophe model explain housing market crashes? | |
C1066: P. Grabarczyk, M. Wagner | |
Integrated modified OLS estimation andfixed-b inference for one-nonlinear-variable cointegrating polynomial regressions | |
C1173: G. Dissanayake, S. Peiris, T. Proietti | |
State space modeling of seasonal Gegenbauer processes with long memory | |
C362: J. Lee | |
Testing for neglected nonlinearity in economic time series: radial basis function network model |
Session CS100 | Room: M2 |
Empirical applications in macroeconomics and time series analysis | Saturday 06.12.2014 16:45 - 18:50 |
Chair: Barbara Rossi |
Organizer: Barbara Rossi |
C070: M. Nedeljkovic | |
Emerging markets diversification benefits and FX risks in a globalizing world | |
C073: D. Kaufmann, R. Scheufele | |
Measuring output gaps in real time by use of business tendency surveys | |
C102: M. Owyang, T. Berge | |
Forecasting FOMC target changes | |
C123: R. Lieli, Y. Hsu | |
Inference for ROC curves based on estimated predictive indices: A note on testing AUC = 0.5 | |
C121: T. Sekhposyan, B. Rossi | |
Macroeconomic uncertainty indices |
Session CS46 | Room: I2 |
Macro and forecasting | Saturday 06.12.2014 16:45 - 18:50 |
Chair: Fotis Papailias |
Organizer: Fotis Papailias |
C1145: M. Martins, L. Aguiar-Conraria, S. Maria Joana | |
The time-frequency foundations of the Taylor rule | |
C1100: D. Thomakos | |
Smoothing macroeconomic and financial time series | |
C1194: F. Papailias, G. Kapetanios, M. Marcellino | |
Improved financial conditions indexes | |
C1269: M. Karanasos, A. Paraskevopoulos, S. Dafnos | |
The fundamental properties of time varying AR models with non stochastic coefficients | |
C1008: K. Petrova, G. Kapetanios, L. Giraitis, A. Galvao | |
Local Bayesian estimation and forecasting with time-varying parameter DSGE models |
Parallel session I: | Sunday 07.12.2014 | 08:45 - 10:25 |
Session CS11 | Room: A2 |
Bayesian nonlinear econometrics | Sunday 07.12.2014 08:45 - 10:25 |
Chair: Roberto Casarin |
Organizer: Roberto Casarin |
C313: F. Ravazzolo, F. Krueger, T. Clark | |
Combining survey and Bayesian VAR forecasts of US macro variables: Evidence from entropic tilting | |
C728: A. Pierini, R. Casarin, A. Naccarato | |
Multiple bi-dimensional SV models for volatility matrix estimation. The case of 5D-italian banks' return | |
C729: N. Basturk, L. Hoogerheide, P. de Knijf, H. van Dijk | |
A Bayesian test for multimodality with applications to DNA and economic data | |
C772: A. Mira, E. Ghysels, R. Solgi | |
A general Bayesian MIDAS regression approach with application to data frequency selection |
Session CS14 | Room: N2 |
Recent developments in volatility modelling | Sunday 07.12.2014 08:45 - 10:25 |
Chair: Christian Conrad |
Organizer: Christian Conrad |
C426: H. Herwartz, B. Beckers, M. Seidel | |
Risk forecasting in (T)GARCH models with uncorrelated dependent innovations | |
C531: M. Schienle, C. Conrad | |
Misspecification testing in GARCH-MIDAS models | |
C1291: M. Bazzi, F. Blasques, A. Lucas, S. Koopman | |
Transformed polynomials for modeling conditional volatility | |
C872: S. Yfanti, M. Karanasos | |
Modelling returns and volatilities during financial crises: a time varying coefficient approach |
Session CS20 | Room: H2 |
Banks and the macroeconomy: Empirical models for stress testing | Sunday 07.12.2014 08:45 - 10:25 |
Chair: Rochelle M. Edge |
Organizer: Rochelle M. Edge |
C369: R. Edge, L. Guerrieri | |
Individual-bank income and expense forecasts - How multi-response PLS methods compare | |
C603: J. Chiu | |
Vector autoregressive models for scenario design: a horse-race comparison | |
C620: R. Bidder, R. Giacomini | |
Stress testing and interest rate risk | |
C801: J. Henry, B. Marta, D. Giannone, M. Lenza, M. Modugno | |
Stress-test scenarios for the euro area: a large Bayesian VAR methodology |
Session CS30 | Room: I2 |
Mixture models for financial and macroeconomic time series | Sunday 07.12.2014 08:45 - 10:25 |
Chair: Markus Haas |
Organizer: Markus Haas |
C491: T. Chuffart, E. Flachaire, A. Peguin-Feissolle | |
Testing for misspecification in GARCH-type models | |
C573: M. Gambacciani, M. Paolella | |
Asset returns density forecasting with MCD algorithms | |
C276: M. Haas | |
Modeling stock market returns with mixtures of skew-normal distributions |
Session CS48 | Room: P2 |
Nowcasting and forecasting macro-economic trends | Sunday 07.12.2014 08:45 - 10:25 |
Chair: Gianluigi Mazzi |
Organizer: Gianluigi Mazzi |
C163: D. de Antonio Liedo, J. Palate | |
A nowcasting library in JDemetra+ for reading and visualizing news | |
C179: E. Knotek, S. Zaman | |
Nowcasting U.S. headline and core inflation | |
C581: I. Pirschel, M. Wolters | |
Forecasting German key macroeconomic variables using large dataset methods | |
C686: A. Paccagnini, R. Cardani, S. Villa | |
Forecasting in a DSGE model with banking intermediation: evidence from the US |
Session CS73 | Room: G2 |
Regime switching, filtering, and portfolio optimization | Sunday 07.12.2014 08:45 - 10:25 |
Chair: Joern Sass |
Organizer: Joern Sass |
C884: J. Sass, V. Krishnamurthy, E. Leoff | |
Regime switching in continuous time and filter-based volatility | |
C875: J. Reynolds | |
Commonality in liquidity dimensions: a generalized dynamic factor model approach | |
C879: S. Desmettre, J. de Kock, F. Seifried | |
Generalized Pareto processes and liquidity | |
C894: R. Wunderlich | |
Expert opinions and optimal portfolio strategies under partial information |
Session CS76 | Room: M2 |
Topics in financial econometrics | Sunday 07.12.2014 08:45 - 10:25 |
Chair: Leopold Soegner |
Organizer: Leopold Soegner |
C247: K. Poetzelberger | |
Adaptive control variables for estimating functionals of diffusion processes | |
C255: L. Vana, B. Gruen, P. Hofmarcher, K. Hornik | |
A predictive Bayesian model averaging approach on firm default probabilities | |
C811: F. Macaluso, A. Mira, P. Schneider | |
How to sample from a distribution when only the characteristic function is known | |
C857: J. Pelenis | |
Evaluation of expected shortfall forecasts |
Session CS82 | Room: B2 |
Bootstrapping time series and panel data | Sunday 07.12.2014 08:45 - 10:25 |
Chair: Jean-Pierre Urbain |
Organizer: Jean-Pierre Urbain |
C915: A. Cornea-Madeira, O. Boldea, A. Hall | |
Bootstrap-based tests for multiple structural changes in linear models with endogenous regressors | |
C1082: S. Fachin, F. Di Iorio | |
Estimating unobservable common trends in small samples using panel cointegration methods | |
C1121: M. Friedrich, S. Smeekes | |
Bootstrap simultaneous confidence bands for time-varying coefficient models | |
C1181: C. Jentsch, E. Paparoditis, D. Politis | |
Block bootstrap theory for multivariate integrated and cointegrated processes |
Session CS96 | Room: E2 |
Econometric models for mixed frequency data | Sunday 07.12.2014 08:45 - 10:25 |
Chair: Joerg Breitung |
Organizer: Eric Ghysels |
C029: T. Goetz, A. Hecq | |
Large Bayesian mixed-frequency vector autoregressions | |
C031: J. Breitung, N. Soldatenkova | |
Estimating vector autoregressions with mixed frequency data | |
C034: C. Schumacher | |
MIDAS regressions with time-varying parameters | |
C040: K. Aastveit, C. Foroni, F. Ravazzolo | |
Density forecasts with MIDAS models |
Session CP01 | Room: First floor Hall |
Poster session | Sunday 07.12.2014 08:45 - 10:25 |
Chair: Francisco de Asis Torres-Ruiz |
Organizer: CFE 2014 |
C327: P. Chirico | |
State space models for hourly electricity prices | |
C391: A. Czapkiewicz, P. Jamer | |
The study of multi-regimes switching copula models | |
C1106: F. Cech, J. Barunik | |
On the modelling and forecasting multivariate realized volatility: generalized heterogeneousautoregressive (GHAR) model | |
C1056: J. Rodriguez-Avi, M. Olmo-Jimenez, A. Conde-Sanchez, A. Saez-Castillo, A. Martinez-Rodriguez | |
Using regression models to classify national football teams according to the number of goals | |
C1176: Y. Kawasaki, Y. Aoki | |
Change in trading rules and its impact on the distributional properties of commodity futures | |
C1193: H. Nishino | |
GARCH model for income time series data with income inequality | |
C1261: A. Wolny-Dominiak, T. Zadlo, W. Gamrot | |
Quantile absolute prediction error measure in claim frequency mixed model |
Parallel session J: | Sunday 07.12.2014 | 10:55 - 13:00 |
Session CSI03 - Invited | Room: Sala Convegni |
VAR modeling, cointegration and uncertainty | Sunday 07.12.2014 10:55 - 13:00 |
Chair: Peter Winker |
Organizer: Peter Winker |
C126: H. Luetkepohl, A. Netsunajev | |
Structural vector autoregressions with smooth transition in variances - the interaction between U.S. monetary policy and the stock market | |
C561: P. Winker, A. Staszewska-Bystrova, H. Lutkepohl | |
Confidence bands for impulse responses: Bonferroni versus Wald | |
C790: M. Wagner | |
Some extensions of regression based cointegration analysis |
Session CS54 | Room: N2 |
Contributions on volatility models and estimation | Sunday 07.12.2014 10:55 - 13:00 |
Chair: Helmut Herwartz |
Organizer: CFE 2014 |
C688: S. Khovansky, O. Zhylyevskyy | |
On the link between new stock listings and delistings and average cross-sectional idiosyncratic stock volatility | |
C964: C. Kesamoon, J. del Castillo | |
Volatility forecasting with exogenous variables and latent information | |
C1059: A. Scognamillo, A. Amendola, V. Candila | |
Does U.S. monetary policy affect crude oil future price volatility? An empirical investigation | |
C898: A. Palandri | |
Apophenia: Data under-mining the volatility leverage-effect | |
C998: Y. Koike | |
Quadratic variation estimation of an irregularly observed semimartingale with jumps and noise |
Session CS12 | Room: P2 |
Modelling uncertainty in macroeconomics | Sunday 07.12.2014 10:55 - 13:00 |
Chair: Wojtek Charemza |
Organizer: Wojtek Charemza |
C173: P. Siklos | |
What's the outlook: Combining narrative, numerical forecasts, and policy uncertainty | |
C191: A. Cesa-Bianchi, H. Pesaran, A. Rebucci | |
Uncertainty and economic activity: A global perspective | |
C220: H. Kowalczyk, E. Stanislawska | |
Fan charts vs. survey forecasts. How similar are they in Poland? | |
C237: X. Sheng, E. Ozturk | |
Measuring global and country-specific macroeconomic uncertainty | |
C492: S. Makarova, W. Charemza, C. Diaz | |
Ex-post inflation forecast uncertainty and skew normal distribution: `Back from the future' approach |
Session CS23 | Room: Q2 |
A novel perspective in predictive modelling for risk analysis | Sunday 07.12.2014 10:55 - 13:00 |
Chair: Chiara Gigliarano |
Organizer: Silvia Figini |
C171: P. Zuccolotto, M. Manisera | |
Nonlinear CUB models | |
C734: J. Ansell | |
Non-parametric and functional approaches to analysing SME performance | |
C799: G. Andreeva, A. Matuszyk | |
Gender differences in consumer credit risk | |
C127: J. Witzany, S. Privara, M. Kolman | |
Recovery rates in consumer lending: Empirical evidence and the model comparison | |
C1237: J. Crook, M. Leow | |
Parameterised intensity models with macroeconomic variables for credit cards |
Session CS26 | Room: Q2 |
Statistical Inference on risk measures | Sunday 07.12.2014 10:55 - 13:00 |
Chair: Ghislaine Gayraud |
Organizer: Ghislaine Gayraud |
C195: S. Bouzebda | |
On the strong approximation of bootstrapped empirical copula processes with applications | |
C376: G. Stupfler, L. Gardes | |
Estimating extreme quantiles under random truncation | |
C414: G. Gayraud, M. Bernardi, L. Petrella | |
Posterior rates of Bayesian VaR and CoVaR | |
C465: P. Regnault, G. D'Amico | |
Confidence intervals for dynamic Theil entropy of economic systems modeled by Birth-Death processes | |
C488: M. Chaouch, S. Khardani | |
Randomly censored quantile regression estimation using functional stationary ergodic data |
Session CS27 | Room: B2 |
Inference for financial times series | Sunday 07.12.2014 10:55 - 13:00 |
Chair: Giuseppe Storti |
Organizer: Giuseppe Storti |
C457: R. Weigand | |
State space modeling of fractional cointegration subspaces | |
C819: G. Calzolari, R. Halbleib | |
Estimating multivariate symmetric stable distributions with independent components by means of indirect inference | |
C830: G. Storti, A. Preminger | |
Least squares estimation for GARCH (1,1) model with heavy tailed errors | |
C663: A. Preminger, C. Hafner | |
On asymptotic theory for ARCH(infinite) models | |
C1154: G. Cesale, G. Storti | |
A flexible approach to volatility prediction in high-dimensional GARCH models |
Session CS63 | Room: E2 |
Forecasting | Sunday 07.12.2014 10:55 - 13:00 |
Chair: Pilar Poncela |
Organizer: Pilar Poncela |
C268: A. Espasa, G. Carlomagno | |
The pairwise approach to model and forecast a large set of disaggregates with common trends | |
C746: E. Senra, P. Poncela | |
Medium term inflation forecasts | |
C789: L. Sierra, P. Poncela, E. Senra | |
The predictive content of co-movement in non-energy commodity price changes | |
C896: P. Poncela, A. Fuertes | |
Forecasting volatility measures through dynamic factor models of realized measures |
Session CS74 | Room: G2 |
Regime change modeling in economics and finance II | Sunday 07.12.2014 10:55 - 13:00 |
Chair: Willi Semmler |
Organizer: Willi Semmler |
C919: B. Kay, T. Daula | |
International employment and the business cycle: new stylized facts with an application to the great moderation | |
C925: W. Maldonado, O. Tourinho, J. de Abreu | |
Cointegrated periodically collapsing bubbles in the exchange rate of BRICS countries | |
C951: J. Kukacka, J. Barunik | |
Non-parametric simulated ML estimation of the heterogeneous agent models | |
C1023: E. Mayer, S. Debes, J. Gareis, S. Rueth | |
Towards a consumer sentiment channel of monetary policy | |
C1069: E. Ernst, F. Saliba | |
Are house price dynamics responsible for unemployment persistence? |
Session CS92 | Room: O2 |
Real-time modelling with data subject to different complications | Sunday 07.12.2014 10:55 - 13:00 |
Chair: Peter Zadrozny |
Organizer: Peter Zadrozny |
C365: P. Zadrozny, B. Chen | |
Weighted-covariance factor decomposition of VARMA models for forecasting | |
C378: K. Wohlrabe, G. Strasser | |
Micro information dynamics: Decomposing the forecasting power of aggregate indicators | |
C639: K. Drechsel, S. Giesen, A. Lindner | |
Outperforming IMF forecasts by the use of leading indicators | |
C701: M. Banbura, D. Giannone, M. Lenza | |
Conditional forecasts and scenario analysis with vector autoregressions for large cross-sections | |
C814: H. Mikosch, Y. Zhang | |
Forecasting Chinese GDP growth with mixed frequency data: which indicators to look at? |
Session CS94 | Room: I2 |
Macroeconometrics | Sunday 07.12.2014 10:55 - 13:00 |
Chair: Herman van Dijk |
Organizer: Domenico Giannone |
C071: R. Ouysse | |
Forecasting in a data rich environment: Bayesian model averaging and principal components regression | |
C470: G. Callegari, G. Ricco, J. Cimadomo | |
Signals from the Government: policy uncertainty and the transmission of fiscal shocks | |
C675: H. van Dijk, R. Casarin, S. Grassi, F. Ravazzolo | |
Dynamic predictive density combinations for large datasets | |
C890: M. Jarocinski, M. Lenza | |
Output gap and inflation forecasts in a Bayesian dynamic factor model of the euro area | |
C1093: S. Fahr, C. Altavilla | |
Regime switching money market dynamics and its macroeconomic implications |
Session CS97 | Room: C2 |
Risk modeling and applications | Sunday 07.12.2014 10:55 - 13:00 |
Chair: Mario Maggi |
Organizer: Mario Maggi |
C399: L. Grossi, F. Nan | |
Robust smooth transition threshold autoregressive models for electricity prices | |
C453: M. Bottone, M. Bernardi, L. Petrella | |
Bayesian robust quantiles for risk management | |
C754: R. Calabrese, G. Andreeva, J. Ansell | |
Spatial regression models for UK SMEs | |
C347: A. Escribano, P. Abad, A. Diaz, M. Robles | |
Credit rating announcements and bond liquidity | |
C878: M. Maggi, C. Lucarelli, P. Uberti | |
Risk measurements in decision making with emotional arousal |
Session CS98 | Room: A2 |
Bayesian econometrics in finance | Sunday 07.12.2014 10:55 - 13:00 |
Chair: Davide Pettenuzzo |
Organizer: Davide Pettenuzzo |
C218: G. Tsiotas | |
On loss functions in Value-at-Risk estimation | |
C296: C. Carvalho | |
On the long run variance of stocks | |
C433: J. Maheu, X. Jin | |
Bayesian semiparametric modeling of realized covariance matrices | |
C767: S. Peluso, A. Mira, P. Muliere | |
Reinforced urn processes for credit risk models | |
C310: D. Pettenuzzo, F. Ravazzolo | |
Optimal portfolio choice under decision-based model combinations |
Session CS110 | Room: F2 |
Contributions to applied econometrics II | Sunday 07.12.2014 10:55 - 13:00 |
Chair: Michael Smith |
Organizer: CFE 2014 |
C1025: M. Scholz, R. Hill | |
Incorporating geospatial data in house price indexes: a hedonic imputation approach with splines | |
C1167: M. El-Shagi, P. Amri | |
Separating the twins | |
C277: E. Zanetti Chini, B. Annicchiarico, A. Bennato | |
150 years of Italian $CO_{2}$ emissions and economic growth | |
C254: D. Raggi, F. Pancotto, G. Pignataro | |
Higher order beliefs and the dynamics of exchange rates | |
C1081: C. Gilbert | |
The dynamics of the world cocoa price |
Session CS78 | Room: D2 |
Contributions on time series econometrics II | Sunday 07.12.2014 10:55 - 13:00 |
Chair: Dietmar Bauer |
Organizer: CFE 2014 |
C1204: C. Breto | |
Semi-parametric particle filters | |
C1097: M. Akinyemi, G. Boshnakov | |
Density forecasts and the mixture autoregressive model | |
C1079: B. Funovits | |
Implications of stochastic singularity in linear multivariate rational expectations models | |
C1015: J. Hambuckers, C. Heuchenne | |
Identifying the best technical trading rules: a .632 bootstrap approach | |
C996: T. Magdalinos | |
Conditional heteroskedasticity in stochastic regression |
Parallel session K: | Sunday 07.12.2014 | 14:45 - 16:25 |
Session CS05 | Room: Q2 |
Measuring systemic risk | Sunday 07.12.2014 14:45 - 16:25 |
Chair: Massimiliano Caporin |
Organizer: Monica Billio |
C418: R. Panzica, M. Billio, M. Caporin, L. Pelizzon | |
Systemic and systematic risk | |
C521: B. Schwaab | |
Modeling financial sector joint tail risk, with an application to the euro area | |
C559: H. Schmidbauer, A. Roesch | |
Information flow and entropy in networks of financial markets | |
C1267: T. Peltonen, F. Betz, N. Hautsch, M. Schienle | |
Systemic risk spillovers in the European banking and sovereign network |
Session CS15 | Room: B2 |
Multivariate modelling of economic and financial time series | Sunday 07.12.2014 14:45 - 16:25 |
Chair: Gianluca Cubadda |
Organizer: Gianluca Cubadda |
C233: A. Hecq, T. Gotz | |
Non-causal MIDAS models for nowcasting GDP | |
C437: T. del Barrio Castro, G. Cubadda, D. Osborn | |
Cointegration between processes integrated at different frequencies | |
C552: M. Centoni, G. Bruno, C. Lupi | |
Forecasting private consumption by consumer surveys and canonical correlations | |
C658: S. Ahn, H. Hong, S. Cho | |
Analysis of cointegrated models with measurement errors |
Session CS19 | Room: H2 |
Banks, interest rates and profitability after the financial crisis | Sunday 07.12.2014 14:45 - 16:25 |
Chair: Paul Mizen |
Organizer: Paul Mizen |
C1007: A. Banerjee, P. Mizen, V. Bystrov | |
A factor model of interest rate pass through for four large Euro area countries | |
C718: A. Raknerud, B. Vatne | |
Funding costs, retail rates and the relative demand for bank loans | |
C1021: B. Hofmann, C. Borio, L. Gambacorta | |
Bank profitability and monetary policy | |
C982: P. Mizen, M. Lombardi, A. Illes | |
Did European banks set interest rates too high after the global financial crisis? |
Session CS31 | Room: O2 |
Dynamic conditional score models | Sunday 07.12.2014 14:45 - 16:25 |
Chair: Andrew Harvey |
Organizer: Andrew Harvey |
C585: A. Harvey, R. Lange | |
Modeling the interactions between volatility and returns | |
C710: D. Delle Monache, C. Brownlees, I. Petrella | |
Shrinkage for large time-varying parameter models: a penalized score driven approach | |
C954: S. Thiele | |
High dimensional dependence modelling with heavy tailed, asymmetric factor models | |
C659: A. Luati | |
The distribution of the error term in dynamic conditional score models |
Session CS45 | Room: F2 |
Dependence modeling and copulas | Sunday 07.12.2014 14:45 - 16:25 |
Chair: Hans Manner |
Organizer: Hans Manner |
C158: O. Okhrin, A. Ristig, N. Hautsch | |
Efficient iterative maximum likelihood estimation of high-parameterized time series models | |
C508: O. Grothe, M. Hofert | |
Construction and sampling of Archimedean and nested Archimedean Levy copulas | |
C197: A. Ristig, O. Okhrin, J. Sheen, S. Trueck | |
Investigating financial contagion with copulae | |
C238: H. Manner, D. Blatt, B. Candelon | |
Detecting financial contagion in a multivariate system |
Session CS67 | Room: P2 |
Financial and macroeconomic forecasting | Sunday 07.12.2014 14:45 - 16:25 |
Chair: Francesco Ravazzolo |
Organizer: Francesco Ravazzolo |
C357: F. Krueger, S. Lerch, T. Thorarinsdottir, T. Gneiting | |
Probabilistic forecasting based on MCMC output | |
C624: R. Casarin, F. Ravazzolo, T. Gneiting | |
Bayesian nonparametric calibration and combination of predictive distributions | |
C509: M. De Pooter | |
Modeling, decomposing, and forecasting interest rate movements in Brazil and Mexico | |
C683: G. Nicoletti, C. Altavilla, M. Darraq | |
Credit conditions and external source of financing |
Session CS77 | Room: N2 |
Modelling university outcomes through survival analysis | Sunday 07.12.2014 14:45 - 16:25 |
Chair: Mark Steel |
Organizer: Mark Steel |
C204: C. Vallejos, M. Steel | |
Bayesian survival modelling of university outcomes | |
C281: A. Giraldo, S. Meggiolaro, R. Clerici | |
A multilevel competing risks model for analysis of university students' careers: evidence from Italy | |
C407: C. Dehon, E. Arias | |
Predictors of dropout and degree completion in the Belgian French community's higher education system | |
C822: G. Migali, S. Bradley | |
The effect of a tuition fee reform on the timing of drop out from Higher Education in the UK |
Session CS79 | Room: I2 |
Modelling and computation in macro-econometrics | Sunday 07.12.2014 14:45 - 16:25 |
Chair: Rodney Strachan |
Organizer: Rodney Strachan |
C026: R. Strachan, E. Eisenstat | |
Modelling inflation volatility | |
C774: R. Leon | |
Efficient Bayesian inference in inverted Wishart stochastic volatility models | |
C474: J. Chan | |
The stochastic volatility in mean model with time-varying parameters: an application to inflation modeling | |
C1148: C. Thamotheram, A. Garratt, L. Thorsrud, S. Vahey | |
Comparing computational methods for predictive scores |
Session CS87 | Room: E2 |
Statistical analysis of financial returns | Sunday 07.12.2014 14:45 - 16:25 |
Chair: Toshi Watanabe |
Organizer: Toshi Watanabe |
C408: T. Yoshiba | |
Modeling and estimation of stock returns with skew t-copula | |
C464: T. Takada | |
Robust early warning signals of abrupt switches in stock markets | |
C498: K. Oya, R. Kinoshita | |
Measurement of causality change between returns of financial assets | |
C571: N. Wang, C. Huang, Y. Hsu | |
Open-end fund characteristics and the effects on financial stability by Investors' herding redemption in Taiwan |
Session CS93 | Room: A2 |
Time series analysis in economics | Sunday 07.12.2014 14:45 - 16:25 |
Chair: Raffaella Giacomini |
Organizer: Barbara Rossi |
C035: B. Rossi, T. Sekhposyan | |
Optimality tests in presence of instabilities | |
C043: M. Modugno, C. Altavilla, D. Giannone | |
Bond market and macroeconomic news | |
C069: M. Lenza, D. Giannone, G. Amisano | |
Forecasting with large time-varying parameters vars | |
C078: R. Giacomini, T. Kitagawa | |
Robust Bayes inference for non-identified SVARs |
Session CS44 | Room: M2 |
Contributions in financial econometrics I | Sunday 07.12.2014 14:45 - 16:25 |
Chair: Henri Nyberg |
Organizer: CFE 2014 |
C1076: J. Stapf, M. Scharnagl | |
Inflation, deflation, and uncertainty: what drives euro area option-implied inflation expectations? | |
C1174: I. Figuerola-Ferretti, T. Tang, I. Paraskevopoulos | |
Pairs trading and relative liquidity in the European stock market | |
C105: M. Bonelli, D. Mantilla-Garcia | |
Predictive systems under economic constraints | |
C609: M. Anokhina, H. Penikas | |
Research of the determinants of the systemic importance of global banks |
Parallel session L: | Sunday 07.12.2014 | 16:55 - 18:35 |
Session CSI01 - Invited | Room: Sala Convegni |
Volatility Modelling | Sunday 07.12.2014 16:55 - 18:35 |
Chair: Giuseppe Storti |
Organizer: Giuseppe Storti |
C504: S. Laurent, K. Boudt, R. Quaedvlieg | |
Roughing it up some more: Jumps and co-jumps in vast-dimensional price processes | |
C860: G. Gallo, F. Calvori, F. Cipollini | |
Modeling eigen-dynamics of realized covariances | |
C1000: C. Diks, V. Panchenko, O. Sokolinskiy, D. van Dijk | |
Comparing the accuracy of multivariate density forecasts in selected regions of the copula support |
Session CS24 | Room: A2 |
Nonstationary time series and financial bubbles | Sunday 07.12.2014 16:55 - 18:35 |
Chair: Christian Francq |
Organizer: Christian Francq |
C201: H. Raissi, J. Hirukawa | |
Investigating long run linear relationships between non constant variances of economic variables | |
C672: L. Truquet | |
Statistical inference in semiparametric locally stationary ARCH models | |
C678: J. Zakoian | |
Explosive bubble modelling by noncausal process | |
C1152: R. McCrorie, C. Gilbert, I. Figuerola-Ferretti | |
Understanding commodity futures prices: fundamentals, financialization and bubble characteristics |
Session CS28 | Room: M2 |
Financial econometrics | Sunday 07.12.2014 16:55 - 18:35 |
Chair: Christophe Chorro |
Organizer: Dominique Guegan |
C320: B. Hassani | |
Stress testing engineering: the real risk measurement? | |
C439: C. Chorro, F. Ielpo, T. Nguyen thi | |
From historical to risk neutral volatility: a GARCH approach | |
C546: H. Gatfaoui, P. de Peretti, L. Frattarolo | |
Measuring the time-varying dependence across financial markets: a contamination analysis of equity and sovereign CDS markets | |
C698: J. Ortega, A. Badescu, M. Couch | |
Lattice based techniques for GARCH option hedging |
Session CS37 | Room: I2 |
Common features in finance and macroeconomics | Sunday 07.12.2014 16:55 - 18:35 |
Chair: Joao Victor Issler |
Organizer: Joao Victor Issler |
C151: J. Pitarakis, J. Gonzalo | |
Inferring the predictability induced by a persistent regressor in a predictive threshold model | |
C567: A. Galvao, M. Clements | |
Measuring macroeconomic uncertainty: output growth and inflation | |
C606: O. Guillen, J. Issler, A. Arinos de Mello Franco-Neto | |
Do monetary and productivity shocks explain aggregate fluctuations? | |
C720: J. Issler, W. Gaglianone | |
Microfounded forecasting |
Session CS49 | Room: P2 |
Development on season adjustment and seasonal modelling | Sunday 07.12.2014 16:55 - 18:35 |
Chair: Gianluigi Mazzi |
Organizer: Gianluigi Mazzi |
C196: S. Grudkowska | |
An application of ramp effect to modelling of a crisis | |
C328: D. Ladiray, F. Guggemos | |
Calendar effects in time series analysis | |
C545: E. Infante, G. Mazzi | |
Seasonal adjustment of short time-series: a comparative study | |
C668: B. Abeln, J. Jacobs | |
Seasonal adjustment in real-time: a comparison of X-13ARIMA-SEATS and CAMPLET |
Session CS56 | Room: D2 |
Modeling multivariate financial time series | Sunday 07.12.2014 16:55 - 18:35 |
Chair: Edoardo Otranto |
Organizer: Edoardo Otranto |
C223: D. Frison, C. Brownlees | |
How interdependent are systemic risk indicators? A network analysis | |
C525: C. Amado, A. Silvennoinen, T. Terasvirta | |
Conditional correlation models with nonstationary variances and correlations | |
C647: F. Corsi, F. Lillo, D. Pirino | |
Contagion through common exposure and systemic risk | |
C085: C. Hafner, O. Linton | |
A new approach to high-dimensional volatility modelling |
Session CS84 | Room: Q2 |
Tail risks | Sunday 07.12.2014 16:55 - 18:35 |
Chair: Marco Geraci |
Organizer: David Veredas |
C064: M. Geraci, D. Veredas, T. Garbaravicius | |
Short selling in the tails | |
C068: D. Massacci | |
Tail risk dynamics in stock returns: Observation-driven approach and links to the business cycle | |
C129: F. Nucera, B. Schwaab, A. Lucas, S. Koopman | |
Ranking the stars | |
C260: X. Zhang, D. Veredas | |
Score driven time varying tail risk |
Session CS85 | Room: E2 |
Funds performance measurement | Sunday 07.12.2014 16:55 - 18:35 |
Chair: Spyridon Vrontos |
Organizer: Spyridon Vrontos |
C299: E. Panopoulou, S. Vrontos | |
Density forecasting of hedge fund returns | |
C309: T. Pantelidis, E. Panopoulou, S. Vrontos | |
Hedge fund predictability and optimal asset allocation | |
C629: M. Wagner, D. Margaritis | |
Late trading in mutual fund shares - the sequel | |
C690: S. Vrontos | |
Performance evaluation of funds |
Session CS89 | Room: B2 |
Analysing complex time series | Sunday 07.12.2014 16:55 - 18:35 |
Chair: Matteo Barigozzi |
Organizer: Qiwei Yao |
C022: M. Barigozzi, M. Lippi, M. Luciani | |
Dynamic factor models, cointegration, and error correction mechanisms | |
C122: D. Li, R. Li | |
Local composite quantile regression smoothing for Harris recurrent Markov processes | |
C576: M. Parrella, F. Giordano, M. La Rocca | |
Classifying complex time series databases by periodic components | |
C826: Z. Lu | |
A review on nonlinear regression analysis of irregularly located spatial time-series data |
Session CS91 | Room: N2 |
Estimation of macroeconomic models with time varying volatility | Sunday 07.12.2014 16:55 - 18:35 |
Chair: Marco Del Negro |
Organizer: Serena Ng |
C088: W. McCausland | |
Large dynamic panels with stochastic volatility | |
C101: M. Del Negro, D. Greenwald | |
Large VARs with time varying volatility | |
C107: C. Montes-Galdon | |
Volatility shocks and business cycles | |
C300: P. Guerron | |
Estimating dynamic equilibrium models with stochastic volatility |
Session CS99 | Room: O2 |
Statistical methods for modelling spatio-temporal random fields | Sunday 07.12.2014 16:55 - 18:35 |
Chair: Simone Padoan |
Organizer: Simone Padoan |
C360: P. Naveau, G. Marcon, S. Padoan, P. Muliere | |
Nonparametric simulation of the multivariate max-stable random vectors | |
C479: Y. Sun, M. Fuentes | |
Fused Lasso for spatial and temporal quantile function estimation | |
C644: R. Huser, M. Genton | |
Non-stationary dependence structures for spatial extremes | |
C695: M. Genton, S. Castruccio, R. Huser | |
High-order composite likelihood inference for multivariate or spatial extremes |
Session CS107 | Room: F2 |
Energy economics | Sunday 07.12.2014 16:55 - 18:35 |
Chair: Francesco Ravazzolo |
Organizer: Francesco Ravazzolo |
C1041: V. Larsen, H. Bjornland | |
Oil and the great moderation in a regime switching framework | |
C1067: L. Thorsrud, H. Bjornland | |
Commodity prices, fiscal policy design and economic activity | |
C1092: M. Lorusso, C. Nolan | |
Oil price shocks and the UK economy, 1990-2005 | |
C1201: M. Seneca, A. Ferrero | |
Monetary policy in a simple new Keynesian model of a small open oil-exporting economy |
Parallel session N: | Monday 08.12.2014 | 08:45 - 10:05 |
Session CS09 | Room: N2 |
Volatility measuring, modeling and applications | Monday 08.12.2014 08:45 - 10:05 |
Chair: Massimiliano Caporin |
Organizer: Massimiliano Caporin |
C450: M. Billio, M. Caporin, L. Frattarolo, L. Pelizzon | |
Network banks exposures and variance spillovers in the Euro area | |
C511: M. Cavicchioli, M. Billio | |
Markov switching models for volatility: filtering, approximation and duality | |
C077: D. Erdemlioglu, N. Gradojevic | |
Heterogeneous investment horizons and jump risk in financial markets |
Session CS29 | Room: O2 |
Solution and estimation of non-linear general equilibrium models | Monday 08.12.2014 08:45 - 10:05 |
Chair: Luca Guerrieri |
Organizer: Luca Guerrieri |
C108: M. Jahan-Parvar, A. Gallant, H. Liu | |
Measuring ambiguity aversion | |
C497: N. Traum, H. Bi | |
Sovereign risk and spillovers: Untangling the web in Europe | |
C924: L. Guerrieri | |
Collateral constraints and macroeconomic asymmetries |
Session CS41 | Room: E2 |
Applied economic issues | Monday 08.12.2014 08:45 - 10:05 |
Chair: Lynda Khalaf |
Organizer: Maral Kichian |
C394: F. Rumler, A. Reiff | |
Within- and cross-country price dispersion in the Euro area | |
C1264: L. Khalaf, J. Bernard, B. Chu, M. Voia | |
Non-standard confidence limits for ratios and tipping points, with applications to dynamic regressions and panel data | |
C1305: D. Koursaros | |
Banks, lending and the transmission of monetary shocks |
Session CS69 | Room: B2 |
Risk premia time series | Monday 08.12.2014 08:45 - 10:05 |
Chair: Jeroen V.K Rombouts |
Organizer: Jeroen V.K Rombouts |
C574: F. Violante, J. Rombouts, L. Stentoft | |
On the estimation of variance risk premia | |
C833: C. Dorion, H. Bhamra, A. Jeanneret | |
The dynamics of the equity risk premium | |
C1222: J. Rombouts | |
Sparse change-point model |
Session CS75 | Room: C2 |
Quantitative risk management | Monday 08.12.2014 08:45 - 10:05 |
Chair: Mike K.P. So |
Organizer: Mike K.P. So |
C054: M. Asai, M. McAleer | |
Forecasting co-volatilities via factor models with asymmetry and long memory in realized covariance | |
C517: J. Chen, M. Kashiwagi | |
The Japanese Taylor rule estimated using quantile regressions | |
C804: K. Chan, M. So | |
Bayesian analysis of max-stable models via hybrid sampling methods |
Session CS102 | Room: M2 |
Contributions in financial econometrics II | Monday 08.12.2014 08:45 - 10:05 |
Chair: Marco Lippi |
Organizer: CFE 2014 |
C261: Y. Liu, P. Boswijk | |
Correlation aggregation in high frequency financial data | |
C1153: C. Roth, F. Audrino, L. Camponovo | |
A conservative test for the lag structure of assets’ realized volatility dynamics | |
C1180: G. Arbia, M. Di Marcantonio | |
Forecasting interest rates using geostatistical techniques | |
C1191: V. Gunnella | |
The expectation hypothesis of the repo rates: new evidence from multiple hypotheses and heteroskedasticity control |
Session CS104 | Room: A2 |
Contributions to Bayesian econometrics I | Monday 08.12.2014 08:45 - 10:05 |
Chair: Roberto Leon |
Organizer: CFE 2014 |
C1279: R. Yatigammana, R. Gerlach | |
Modelling conditional duration via flexible error distributions | |
C1063: P. Reusens, C. Croux | |
Detecting time variation in the `price puzzle': an improved prior choice for the time varying parameter VAR model | |
C227: D. Ahelegbey, M. Billio, R. Casarin | |
Sparse high-dimension multivariate autoregressive models | |
C081: D. Nur, G. Livingston Jr, I. Hudson | |
Fully Bayesian inference for smooth threshold autoregressive (STAR)(k)-GARCH(s,q) models |
Session CS106 | Room: F2 |
Computational econometrics I | Monday 08.12.2014 08:45 - 10:05 |
Chair: Christopher M. Otrok |
Organizer: CFE 2014 |
C1202: S. Hadjiantoni, E. Kontoghiorghes | |
Estimating the time-varying parameters model: an alternative approach | |
C1212: M. Smid | |
A dynamic model of limit order market with possibly rational traders | |
C1282: F. Vanni, G. Bottazzi, U. Gragnolati | |
A numerical estimation method for discrete choice models with non-linear externalities | |
C1230: L. Grigoryeva, L. Bauwens, J. Ortega | |
Reduction and composite likelihood estimation of non-scalar multivariate volatility models |
Session CS65 | Room: G2 |
Regime change modeling in economics and finance III | Monday 08.12.2014 08:45 - 10:05 |
Chair: Willi Semmler |
Organizer: Willi Semmler |
C929: A. Tarassow | |
Financial investment constraints. A panel threshold application to German firm level data | |
C948: J. Kotlowski | |
Do central bank forecasts matter for professional forecasters? | |
C949: A. Halka, G. Szafranski | |
What common factors are driving inflation in CEE countries? | |
C917: F. Karame | |
A likelihood-based approach to estimate Markov-switching stochastic volatility models |
Parallel session P: | Monday 08.12.2014 | 10:35 - 12:15 |
Session CS112 | Room: E2 |
Financial applications I | Monday 08.12.2014 10:35 - 12:15 |
Chair: Demetris Koursaros |
Organizer: CFE 2014 |
C256: Q. Gan | |
Does the probability of informed trading model fit empirical data? | |
C587: H. Basse Mama | |
Dynamics of firm learning from stock prices: Evidence from Europe | |
C984: L. Sun, Y. Huang | |
Measuring the instability of China's financial system | |
C1188: Y. Ota | |
On method finding arbitrage opportunities from different markets | |
C868: S. Agarwal | |
Investor's demographics and portfolio objectives: an empirical study using factor analysis |
Session CS95 | Room: M2 |
Contributions on panel data | Monday 08.12.2014 10:35 - 12:15 |
Chair: Martin Wagner |
Organizer: CFE 2014 |
C1068: Y. Karavias, E. Tzavalis | |
Local power of panel unit root tests allowing for structural breaks | |
C1115: P. Keblowski | |
Dimensionality and long-run homogeneity effects in panel vector error correction model | |
C1235: S. Papadopoulos | |
A formula for predicting loan loss reserves under adverse GDP scenarios for EU15 banks | |
C1251: S. Reese, J. Westerlund, P. Narayan | |
A factor analytical approach to price discovery | |
C215: R. van den Akker, I. Becheri | |
Asymptotically UMP tests for unit roots in cross-sectionally dependent panels |
Session CS101 | Room: B2 |
Contributions on time series econometrics III | Monday 08.12.2014 10:35 - 12:15 |
Chair: Sung Keuk Ahn |
Organizer: CFE 2014 |
C046: M. Al Sadoon | |
A general theory of rank testing | |
C041: A. Dechert | |
Fractional cointegration analysis of industrial metal prices | |
C1120: F. Severino, F. Ortu, A. Tamoni, C. Tebaldi | |
A persistence-based Wold-type decomposition for stationary time series | |
C1142: J. Afonso-Rodriguez | |
A CUSUM of squares test for cointegration based on OLS residuals with a model free limiting null distribution | |
C1166: D. Rosadi, S. Peiris | |
Second-order least-squares estimation for regression models with ARMA errors: simulation results |
Session CS04 | Room: N2 |
Contributions on volatility and correlation modelling | Monday 08.12.2014 10:35 - 12:15 |
Chair: Manfred Gilli |
Organizer: CFE 2014 |
C902: Y. Sun, J. Loveland, I. Blackhurst | |
Conditional heteroskedasticity of return range processes | |
C1013: M. Grishko, A. Dyusembaev, P. Andras | |
Securities portfolio risk estimation and forecasting by the use of Bayesian self-organizing maps | |
C1122: V. Skintzi, C. Markopoulou, A. Refenes | |
Realized hedge ratio: predictability and hedging performance | |
C1164: L. Vacha, J. Barunik | |
Realized wavelet-based estimation of integrated covariance and co-jumps in the presence of noise | |
C1187: G. Figa-Talamanca | |
A statistical test for the Heston model |
Session CS66 | Room: H2 |
Contributions on banking and financial markets | Monday 08.12.2014 10:35 - 12:15 |
Chair: Jozef Barunik |
Organizer: CFE 2014 |
C106: M. Grothe, S. Autrup | |
Economic surprises and inflation expectations | |
C749: F. Carvalho, M. Castro, S. Costa | |
Macroprudential policy transmission in a small open economy with traditional and matter-of-fact financial frictions | |
C1049: G. Livan, M. Bardoscia, M. Marsili, T. Aste | |
Pricing in a complex financial market: instability from local measures and model uncertainty | |
C1157: T. Ochiai, J. Nacher | |
Anomalous price dynamics at resistance line in stock and forex markets | |
C1221: T. Krehlik, J. Barunik | |
Measuring long- and short-run connectedness of financial markets |
Session CS40 | Room: A2 |
Contributions to forecasting | Monday 08.12.2014 10:35 - 12:15 |
Chair: Alessandra Amendola |
Organizer: CFE 2014 |
C170: A. Naghi | |
A forecast rationality test that allows for loss function asymmetries | |
C970: D. Buncic, C. Moretto | |
Forecasting copper prices with dynamic averaging and selection models | |
C997: L. Pauwels, F. Chan | |
Why do simple average forecast combinations perform so well? | |
C1252: T. Murata, N. Du | |
Income replacement ratio for various households in national pension program in Japan | |
C1245: C. Fajardo Toro, J. Alonso Cifuentes | |
Forecasting Colombian inflation rate: estimation using statistical and artificial intelligence approaches |
Session CS43 | Room: O2 |
Contributions on quantile regression, non/semi-parametric methods | Monday 08.12.2014 10:35 - 12:15 |
Chair: Isabel Casas |
Organizer: CFE 2014 |
C160: Y. Tian | |
Exploring investors' expectation through quantile regression methods | |
C1020: K. Avdulaj, J. Barunik | |
Semiparametric nonlinear quantile model for financial returns | |
C250: X. Xiao, C. Zhou | |
Option implied risk measures: a generalized empirical likelihood approach | |
C589: A. Dumitru | |
A nonparametric viewpoint on time-indexed point processes. Testing for stationarity | |
C1095: J. Schnurbus, H. Haupt | |
Nonparametric estimation and forecasting of time series with deterministic trend and season and traffic fatalities in Germany |
Session CS39 | Room: F2 |
Contributions to dependence modeling and copulas | Monday 08.12.2014 10:35 - 12:15 |
Chair: Ivan Kojadinovic |
Organizer: CFE 2014 |
C1042: M. Kurz, F. Spanhel | |
Testing the simplifying assumption in vine copulas | |
C1184: M. Ames, G. Peters, G. Bagnarosa | |
Extreme dependence in commodity trading strategies | |
C1253: J. Fjodorovs, A. Matvejevs | |
Modeling VIX index based on semi parametric Markov models with Frank copula | |
C093: R. Latocha | |
The GARCH-copula model as a hedge ratio of corporate bonds portfolio | |
C1199: G. Rivieccio, G. De Luca | |
A copula-VAR approach for the analysis of serial dependence in stock returns |
Session CS109 | Room: P2 |
Contributions to the macroeconomy and asset prices | Monday 08.12.2014 10:35 - 12:15 |
Chair: Baoline Chen |
Organizer: CFE 2014 |
C657: L. Tiozzo Pezzoli, A. Siegel, F. Pegoraro | |
International yield curves and principal components selection techniques: an empirical assessment | |
C808: M. Agarwal | |
Earnings vs Cash flows: the valuation perspective | |
C305: Y. Okhrin | |
Empirical similarity and Taylor rule: case-based decision making in the Federal Reserve Bank | |
C1039: B. Li, Q. Liu | |
Identifying monetary policy behavior in China: a Bayesian DSGE approach | |
C1239: K. Filipova | |
Valuing macroeconomic uncertainty in bond risk premia |
Session CS81 | Room: Q2 |
Contributions to quantitative risk management | Monday 08.12.2014 10:35 - 12:15 |
Chair: Marco Bee |
Organizer: CFE 2014 |
C942: R. Belhachemi, P. Rostan | |
Option pricing using the continuous hidden threshold mixed skew-symmetric distribution | |
C1182: H. Tsukahara | |
On backtesting risk measurement models | |
C1107: M. Bee | |
Density approximations and VaR computation for compound Poisson-lognormal distributions | |
C974: P. Meier, A. Ivanovas | |
Estimating risk-neutral density tails: a comparison | |
C1011: P. Pei | |
Backtesting portfolio Value-at-Risk with estimated portfolio weights |
Session CS36 | Room: I2 |
Contributions to macro and forecasting | Monday 08.12.2014 10:35 - 12:15 |
Chair: Anindya Banerjee |
Organizer: CFE 2014 |
C980: T. Weigt | |
Reduction of forecast errors | |
C1047: B. Siliverstovs | |
Short-term forecasting with mixed-frequency data: a MIDASSO approach | |
C1165: E. Granziera, T. Sekhposyan | |
The conditional predictive ability of economic variables | |
C094: A. Habibnia | |
Forecasting using many predictors with neural network factor models | |
C771: H. Lee, C. Cheong, P. Mool | |
Forecasting with a parsimonious subset VAR model |
Parallel session R: | Monday 08.12.2014 | 14:50 - 16:30 |
Session CS33 | Room: D2 |
Statistical analysis of climate time series | Monday 08.12.2014 14:50 - 16:30 |
Chair: Tommaso Proietti |
Organizer: Eric Hillebrand |
C1192: J. Urbain, M. Friedrich, S. Smeekes | |
Bootstrap inference on non-linear trends in climate time series data | |
C1209: T. Proietti, E. Hillebrand | |
Seasonal and cyclic changes in temperature data | |
C1032: U. Triacca | |
Measuring the distance between global temperatures time series | |
C1089: E. Hillebrand | |
Data revisions and the statistical relation of sea-level and temperature |
Session CS114 | Room: M2 |
Contributions in financial econometrics III | Monday 08.12.2014 14:50 - 16:30 |
Chair: Christos Savva |
Organizer: CFE 2014 |
C038: E. Ossola, P. Gagliardini, O. Scaillet | |
Time-varying risk premium in large cross-sectional equity datasets | |
C048: E. Aldrich, I. Heckenback, G. Laughlin | |
A compound multifractal model for high-frequency asset returns | |
C1225: J. Barunik, E. Kocenda, L. Vacha | |
Asymmetric connectedness of stocks: how does bad and good volatility spill over the U.S. stock market? | |
C1306: F. Lamperti | |
On the similarity of time series dynamics: a criterion for model validation |
Session CS38 | Room: N2 |
Macroeconometrics | Monday 08.12.2014 14:50 - 16:30 |
Chair: Marek Jarocinski |
Organizer: Marek Jarocinski |
C169: F. Huber | |
Density forecasting using Bayesian global vector autoregressions with common stochastic volatility | |
C386: J. Suda, A. Zervou | |
International great inflation and common monetary policy | |
C817: T. Wozniak, R. Hajargasht | |
Variational Bayes inference for large vector autoregressions | |
C374: P. Alessandri, H. Mumtaz | |
Financial regimes and uncertainty shocks |
Session CS52 | Room: P2 |
Temporal disaggregation and benchmarking techniques | Monday 08.12.2014 14:50 - 16:30 |
Chair: Gianluigi Mazzi |
Organizer: Gianluigi Mazzi |
C036: B. Chen, T. Di Fonzo, M. Marini | |
The statistical reconciliation of time series of accounts after a benchmark revision | |
C248: N. Mushkudiani, J. Daalmans, R. Bikker | |
Data reconciliation at Statistics Netherlands | |
C510: J. Daalmans, N. Mushkudiani, R. Bikker, T. Di Fonzo | |
Is growth-rate preservation really the best benchmarking method? | |
C550: C. Sax | |
Evaluation of temporal disaggregation methods |
Session CS70 | Room: F2 |
MIDAS models: applications in economics and finance | Monday 08.12.2014 14:50 - 16:30 |
Chair: Eduardo Rossi |
Organizer: Eduardo Rossi |
C649: E. Rossi, A. Ghalanos | |
Nonlinear volatility dynamics: a smooth transition HAR approach | |
C727: E. Bacchiocchi, A. Bastianin, A. Missale, E. Rossi | |
Capital flows and interest rates: a mixed frequency approach | |
C1002: P. Giudici, P. Cerchiello | |
MIDAS systemic risk models | |
C1278: C. Marsilli, L. Ferrara, M. Marcellino | |
A mixed-frequency model with stochastic volatility |
Session CS72 | Room: O2 |
Econometric and quantitative methods applied to finance | Monday 08.12.2014 14:50 - 16:30 |
Chair: Simona Sanfelici |
Organizer: Simona Sanfelici |
C110: M. Kiermeier | |
Wavelet analysis and the credit spread puzzle | |
C373: J. Akahori, N. Liu, M. Mancino, Y. Yasuda | |
Fourier estimation method with positive semi-definite estimators | |
C385: I. Curato, S. Sanfelici | |
Measuring the leverage effect in a high frequency framework | |
C1149: A. Koukorinis, G. Peters, G. Germano | |
Hybrid generative-discriminative (HMM-SVM) machine-learning models for the forecasting of multivariate financial time series |
Session CS86 | Room: B2 |
Topics in time series and panel data econometrics | Monday 08.12.2014 14:50 - 16:30 |
Chair: Martin Wagner |
Organizer: Martin Wagner |
C481: D. Wied, M. Wagner | |
Monitoring a change from spurious regression to a cointegrating relationship | |
C810: L. Soegner, M. Wagner | |
Fully modified OLS estimation of spatially correlated cointegrated systems | |
C1064: O. Stypka, M. Wagner | |
Testing for smooth transition cointegration with integrated or trending transition variable | |
C975: D. Bauer | |
Consistent estimation of seasonally cointegrated VARMA systems in state space representation |
Parallel session S: | Monday 08.12.2014 | 16:55 - 18:15 |
Session CS111 | Room: A2 |
Contributions to Bayesian econometrics II | Monday 08.12.2014 16:55 - 18:15 |
Chair: Joshua Chan |
Organizer: CFE 2014 |
C978: J. Nakajima, T. Kimura | |
Bayesian latent threshold dynamic models: identifying conventional and unconventional monetary policy shocks | |
C1037: G. Kobayashi, K. Kakamu | |
Approximate Bayesian computation for Lorenz curves from grouped data | |
C1099: H. Nagashima, T. Nakatsuma | |
Bayesian tempo-spatial estimation of the Japanese prefectural business cycle indicators | |
C1116: C. Mastromarco, U. Woitek | |
Estimating an education production function for Switzerland, 1871-1911 |
Session CS113 | Room: O2 |
Computational econometrics II | Monday 08.12.2014 16:55 - 18:15 |
Chair: William J. Mccausland |
Organizer: CFE 2014 |
C684: V. Ajevskis | |
Semi-global solutions to DSGE models: perturbation around a deterministic path | |
C783: A. Monteiro, A. Santos, R. Pascoal | |
Portfolio choice with parameter uncertainty: Bayesian analysis and robust optimisation comparison | |
C914: V. Lepetyuk, A. Jirnyi | |
A reinforcement learning approach to solving incomplete market models with aggregate uncertainty | |
C989: M. Richiardi, J. Grazzini | |
Non-ergodicity as partial identification |
Session CS59 | Room: N2 |
Contributions on stochastic volatility | Monday 08.12.2014 16:55 - 18:15 |
Chair: Fulvio Corsi |
Organizer: CFE 2014 |
C1016: W. Wei, A. Brix, A. Lund | |
A generalized Schwartz model for energy spot prices - estimation using a particle MCMC method | |
C1071: T. Krisztin, F. Huber, P. Piribauer | |
Forecasting global equity indices using large Bayesian VARs | |
C1108: S. Morozov | |
Returns or differences? Methods for risk functional form selection | |
C1298: M. Ficura | |
Estimation of stochastic volatility and jumps using high-frequency data and Bayesian inference methods |
Session CS07 | Room: B2 |
Contributions on non-linear time-series models | Monday 08.12.2014 16:55 - 18:15 |
Chair: Alain Hecq |
Organizer: CFE 2014 |
C960: B. Koo | |
Nonparametric detection of discontinuity-points in varying coefficient regression models | |
C1119: F. Venditti, D. Delle Monache, I. Petrella | |
A score driven approach for state-space models with time-varying parameters | |
C1161: M. Dziubinski | |
Extremum estimators in practice: are approximate gradients ever useful and what can we do about it? | |
C756: W. Orzeszko | |
Nonparametric testing for serial independence using the NRL statistic |
Session CS108 | Room: P2 |
Contributions to applications in macroeconomics and time series | Monday 08.12.2014 16:55 - 18:15 |
Chair: Luis F. Aguiar-Conraria |
Organizer: CFE 2014 |
C431: P. Salamaliki, I. Venetis | |
Interpreting economic policy uncertainty - real economic activity causality: the role of infrequent structural shifts and omitted variables | |
C966: A. Gomez-Loscos, M. Gadea, E. Bandres | |
Regional business cycles across Europe | |
C1103: T. Mizuno, T. Ohnishi, T. Watanabe | |
Financial bubble detection using cross-sectional dispersion of price earnings ratios | |
C1141: L. Aguiar-Conraria, R. Sousa, M. Soares | |
CO2 price dynamics in the carbon market of California |
Session CS105 | Room: E2 |
Financial applications II | Monday 08.12.2014 16:55 - 18:15 |
Chair: Andreas Savvides |
Organizer: CFE 2014 |
C1156: K. Gisler, M. Fengler | |
A variance spillover analysis without covariances: what do we miss? | |
C1050: K. Szafranek | |
Financialization of the commodity markets. Conclusions from the restricted VARX ADCC MVT GARCH | |
C918: R. Ianole, E. Druica | |
A computational model of hidden costs in saving decisions | |
C1160: H. Dakhli | |
IPO timing: an option to expand |
Session CS51 | Room: M2 |
Contributions in financial econometrics IV | Monday 08.12.2014 16:55 - 18:15 |
Chair: Roy Cerqueti |
Organizer: CFE 2014 |
C1186: S. Khrapov | |
Option pricing via risk-neutral density forecasting | |
C1219: C. Savva | |
Relation between risk and return in international stock markets revisited | |
C1292: C. Tudor, A. Anghel, M. Tudor | |
Portfolio optimization with down side risk: an application on the Romanian stock market | |
C923: N. Ferreira, M. Oliveira | |
Portfolio technical efficiency assessment with DEA: the case of the PSI-20 enterprises |